Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I typically don't make resolutions out loud because frankly more then 70% of the time I don't stick with them. I have a fear of looking like a failure so I don't commit to something and voice it unless I'm pretty positive it's going to pan out for me. It's recently come to my awareness though that some serious changes in my life have to be made so I figured I'd write them out on here and hope to god that when I revisit this in 10 months they've all been achieved.....wish me luck!!!

1) Get my insulin levels, blood pressure and cholesterol levels to where they should be. I was just diagnosed with pre diabetes so this is a major one because if I take initiative and do everything right then in theory it should be reversed.

2) Get my weight to a healthy weight that I'm happy with. This is partly due to the pre diabetes and partly because I'm sick of not being thin and wearing the hordes of beautiful and expensive clothing that I own lol. I've actually already lost a lot of weight but I still need to lose more to be totally in the clear.

3) Do a substantial amount of volunteering with an organization that I feel is important. I've always volunteered a lot but frankly due to being busy it has decreased by a lot so I would like to get back into that.

4) Donate more blood, I keep forgetting to go in and do it and frankly there is no excuse.

5) re write my will and up my life insurance. I keep meaning to do this but frankly I avoid unpleasant and stressful situations and this is one of those.

6) take at least one major trip either as a family or with Greg and (still deciding). I'm hoping on a Disney trip as a family or basically anywhere with Greg.

7) Have some esthetic stuff done to my teeth. I've been an avid pop drinker for years and frankly it's stained my teeth a little I keep meaning to get in and have it done but seem to always put the money somewhere else so this year I will hopefully put it towards the teeth.

8)renew my license and possibly get a car. I haven't renewed my license because it seemed pointless due to not having a car lol but I should get in and do it so I can continue to drive Greg's car. I also should really get a car for convenience although in all honesty I'm not a big fan of cars and the damage they do as well as the overwhelming gas prices but I guess to make it easier on Ireland I should give in and get one.

9) Try and see my dad and sister since it's been a year and a half since I've visited out West or they've been here. I may go out West so I can also see the rest of my family and one of my best friends and her family but if not I will plan a trip to meet up with my dad and sister or one of them. I'm actually debating a vegas trip with my sister and then going back with her for a bit out to BC....we'll see.

10) Get more organized

11) get out of the house with Greg more often. Lately we've really fallen into the trap of just sitting around the house when we spend time together and I think it's important to get out and actually do mutually enjoyed things so I'm working on it.

12)Go out more to bars/clubs, etc. I'm actually not a big drinker BUT I love to dance and socialize. I'm getting to the point where if I don't get on it soon then after another couple years I'll feel like a senior citizen at the bars so I want to get out a bit more now that Ireland is older and not as dependent on Greg and I.

13) Spend more time with family, especially Gregs sister Shari. This is probably a good idea because we used to be very close and through the years have become preoccupied with our own lives and such. I would like to be able to hang out a bit more like we used to and she recently mentioned the same thing so we'll work on it.